26 Jul 2015


26 Jul 2015
Share your SITE/POST
We'll tweet it to our
160.000 Twitter followers
That tweet will get at least
1.000 Re-Tweets
We'll post it to our
400.000 Facebook fans
That post will get at least
1.000 Facebook Shares
We'll submit it on
500 Bookmarking sites
We need: your url address
Time of delivery: 3 days
Share your ARTICLE
We'll tweet it to our
160.000 Twitter followers
That tweet will get at least
1.000 Re-Tweets
We'll post it to our
400.000 Facebook fans
That post will get at least
1.000 Facebook Shares
We'll submit it on
35 Doc Sharing sites
We need: your article url
Time of delivery: 3 days
Share your VIDEO
We'll tweet it to our
160.000 Twitter followers
We'll post it to our
400.000 Facebook fans
We'll upload it on
35 Video Sharing sites
Your video will get at least
2.000 YouTube Shares
Your video will get at least
5.000 Vimeo Views
We need: your video url
Time of delivery: 3 days
Share your IMAGE
We'll tweet it to our
160.000 Twitter followers
We'll post it to our
400.000 Facebook fans
We'll submit it on
25 Image Sharing sites
Your image will get at least
3.000 Instagram Likes
Your image will get at least
350 Pinterest Repins
We need: your image url
Time of delivery: 4 days
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